Bad Breath
Ask Bristle, bad breath, bad breath cure, flossing, gingivitis, halitosis, hygiene tips, microbiome, microbiome test, oral bacteria, Oral Care, oral health, oral probiotics, research, tonsil stones, toothbrush, video
Why does my breath smell bad even after brushing?
Brushing and flossing are essential parts of daily oral hygiene. Yet, even after brushing and flossing, some people still experience bad breath. This article will investigate why bad breath can...
Why does my breath smell bad even after brushing?
Brushing and flossing are essential parts of daily oral hygiene. Yet, even after brushing and flossing, some people still experience bad breath. This article will investigate why bad breath can...

Is bad breath contagious?
Is bad breath contagious? 90% of bad breath is caused by specific bacteria in the oral cavity, also known as the oral microbiome, but can these gum disease causing-bacteria be...
Is bad breath contagious?
Is bad breath contagious? 90% of bad breath is caused by specific bacteria in the oral cavity, also known as the oral microbiome, but can these gum disease causing-bacteria be...