Bad Breath
Ask Bristle, bad breath, bad breath cure, flossing, gingivitis, halitosis, hygiene tips, microbiome, microbiome test, oral bacteria, Oral Care, oral health, oral probiotics, research, tonsil stones, toothbrush, video
The 6 types of bad breath and how to treat them
In this article, we discuss the different types of bad breath as defined by oral microbiome science, why conventional oral care doesn't address each one, and what you can do...
The 6 types of bad breath and how to treat them
In this article, we discuss the different types of bad breath as defined by oral microbiome science, why conventional oral care doesn't address each one, and what you can do...

A Comprehensive Guide to Bad Breath Tests
In this article we discuss the available bad breath tests and including how they work and how effective they are, and other ways for testing for bad breath.
A Comprehensive Guide to Bad Breath Tests
In this article we discuss the available bad breath tests and including how they work and how effective they are, and other ways for testing for bad breath.

What causes bad breath from the stomach?
In most of the cases, chronic halitosis (bad breath) originates from the mouth. However, sometimes the source can be situated a little deeper than that. In this article we explain...
What causes bad breath from the stomach?
In most of the cases, chronic halitosis (bad breath) originates from the mouth. However, sometimes the source can be situated a little deeper than that. In this article we explain...

Halitosis (bad breath) – causes and treatments
Halitosis, or bad breath, is a condition that affects people of all ages. Here we will explore what causes halitosis and how to prevent bad breath.
Halitosis (bad breath) – causes and treatments
Halitosis, or bad breath, is a condition that affects people of all ages. Here we will explore what causes halitosis and how to prevent bad breath.

Best Probiotics For Bad Breath
In this article, we'll review the best probiotics for bad breath, including which beneficial bacteria strains are most effective in treating halitosis, how they work.
Best Probiotics For Bad Breath
In this article, we'll review the best probiotics for bad breath, including which beneficial bacteria strains are most effective in treating halitosis, how they work.

Does Adderall make your breath smell bad
Worried about Adderall causing bad breath? In this article we cover if adderall makes your breath smell bad, and what you can do about it if you have bad breath...
Does Adderall make your breath smell bad
Worried about Adderall causing bad breath? In this article we cover if adderall makes your breath smell bad, and what you can do about it if you have bad breath...